王绍蓬 博士
发布时间: 2023-05-01
浏览次数: 623

王绍蓬中共党员,山东青岛人,2024年毕业于中国农业科学院,同年8月进入山东省黄河三角洲生态环境重点实验室工作,主要从事农业面源污染与温室气体减排研究。在Journal of cleaner productionAgriculture, Ecosystems and EnvironmentScience of the Total Environment等期刊发表多篇论文。


  • 教育经历

     2014.09-2018.07 青岛农业大学,农业资源与环境专业,学士

     2018.09-2020.07 中国农业科学院,土壤学专业,硕士

     2020.09-2024.07 中国农业科学院,生态学专业,博士

  • 主要研究方向


  • 科研项目




  • 代表性论文

       1.Shaopeng Wang, Shufang Guo, Limei Zhai, Lingling Hua, Benyamin Khoshnevisan, Hongyuan Wang, Hongbin Liu, 2022. Comprehensive effects of integrated management on reducing nitrogen and phosphorus loss under legume-rice rotations. Journal of Cleaner Production. (IF=11.07)

       2.Shaopeng Wang, Limei Zhai, Shufang Guo, Fulin Zhang, Lingling Hua, Hongbin Liu, 2023. Returned straw reduces nitrogen runoff loss by influencing nitrification process through modulating soil C:N of different paddy systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. (IF=6.7)

       3.Shaopeng Wang, Yilin Liu, Fulin Zhang, Ke Jin, Limei Zhai, Hongbin Liu, 2024. Methane emissions sources and impact mechanisms altered by the shift from rice-wheat to rice-crayfish rotation. Journal of Cleaner Production. (IF=9.7)

       4.Feile Du, Lingling Hua, Limei Zhai, Fulin Zhang, Xianpeng Fan, Shaopeng Wang, Yilin Liu, Hongbin Liu. 2022 Rice-crayfish pattern in irrigation-drainage unit increased N runoff losses and facilitated N enrichment in ditches. Science of the Total Environment. (IF=10.75)

       5.Du, Feile; Yin, Yinghua; Zhai, Limei; Zhang, Fulin; Wang, Shaopeng; Liu, Yilin; Fan, Xianpeng; Liu, Hongbin 2024 Increased anaerobic conditions promote the denitrifying nitrogen removal potential and limit anammox substrate acquisition within paddy irrigation and drainage units.Science of the Total Environment. (IF=8.2)

  • 专利

