曹琪琪 博士
发布时间: 2023-05-01
浏览次数: 2415


  • 教育经历

  2012.09-2016.07  山东农业大学,水土保持与荒漠化防治,学士学位

  2016.09-2021.07  北京林业大学,水土保持与荒漠化防治,博士学位

  • 研究方向


  • 科研项目


1. 中美政府间国际科技创新合作项目“荒漠绿洲防护林体系构建合作研究”(2019YFE0116500

2. 北京林业大学科技创新计划项目“荒漠绿洲防护林体系建设研究”(2019GJZL10) 

3. 国家自然科学基金项目“河套灌区典型农田防护林网对土壤水盐的影响”(31870706

4. 国家林业公益性行业科研专项“西北盐碱地生态恢复可持续利用模式研究”子课题(201504402

5. 横向技术服务专项“基于荒漠化防治和盐碱地改良的海藻肥施用技术项目”(2016HXFWSBXY002

  • 代表性论文

1.Cao Qiqi, Li Junran, Wang Guan, Wang Dong, Xin Zhiming, Xiao, Huijie, Zhang Kebin. On the spatial variability and influencing factors of soil organic carbon and total nitrogen stocks in a desert oasis ecotone of northwestern China. Catena, 2021, 206: 105533.

2.Cao Qiqi, Yang Benman, Li Junran, Wang Ruoshui, Liu Tao, Xiao Huijie. Characteristics of soil water and salt associated with Tamarix ramosissima communities during normal and dry periods in a semi-arid saline environment. Catena, 2020, 193: 104661. (共同一作)

3.Cao Qiqi, Li Junran, Xiao Huijie, Cao Yuanbo, Xin Zhiming, Yang Benman, Liu Tao, Yuan Mutian. Sap flow of Amorpha fruticosa: Implications of water use strategy in a semiarid system with secondary salinization. Scientific Reports, 2020, 10(1).

4.曹琪琪, 王若水, 肖辉杰, 杨本漫, 刘涛. 宁夏引黄灌区次生盐碱地紫穗槐茎干液流分析. 应用生态学报, 2018, 29(07): 2347-2354.

5.Liu Tao, Wang Baitian, Xiao Huijie, Wang Ruoshui, Yang Benman, Cao Qiqi, Cao Yuanbo. Differentially improved soil microenvironment and seedling growth of Amorpha fruticosa by plastic, sand and straw mulching in a saline wasteland in northwest China. Ecological Engineering, 2018, 122: 126-134. 

6.Yuan Mutian, Xiao Huijie, Wang Ruoshui, Duan Yuanjun, Cao Qiqi. Effects of changes in precipitation pattern and of seaweed fertilizer addition on plant traits and biological soil crusts, Journal of Applied Phycology, 2019, 31: 3791-3802.

7.Yang Benman, Wang Ruoshui, Xiao Huijie, Cao Qiqi, Liu Tao. Spatio-temporal variations of soil water content and salinity around individual Tamarix ramosissima in a semi-arid saline region of the upper Yellow River, Northwest China. Journal of Arid Land, 2018, 10: 101-114.

8.Xiao Huijie, Meissner Ralph, Borg Heinz, Wang Ruoshui, Cao Qiqi. Agreement of Four Equations for Computing Dewfall in Northern Germany. Water, 2017, 9: 8.

9.肖辉杰, 曹琪琪. 校企合作开展实践教学的探讨. 中国林业教育, 2017, 35(05): 12-14.

10. 肖辉杰, 曹琪琪. 专业英语教学改革与创新思考-以水保和资环专业为例. 秉烛者的思考与实践. 中国林业出版社, 2017.

11.杨本漫, 王若水, 肖辉杰, 曹琪琪, 刘涛. 黄河上游半干旱盐渍区柽柳群落土壤水盐空间变化. 应用与环境生物学报, 2018, 24(02): 230-238.

12.陈振, 元慕田, 曹琪琪, 刘涛, 肖辉杰. 土壤含水量对苜蓿和沙棘气孔导度与叶水势的影响. 中国水土保持科学, 2019, 17(02): 37-43. 

13.刘涛, 王百田, 曹琪琪, 王文涛, 林晓光, 肖辉杰. 不同覆盖措施对盐碱地紫穗槐细根适应策略的影响. 草业科学, 2020, 37(06): 1098-1106.

14.王栋, 肖辉杰, 辛智鸣, 贾宏涛, 曹琪琪. 不同配置农田防护林对田间土壤水分空间变异的影响. 水土保持学报, 2020, 34(05): 223-230.