陆兆华 教授
发布时间: 2023-05-01
浏览次数: 9816

陆兆华男,19638月生,教授,博士生导师,山东航空学院山东省黄河三角洲生态环境重点实验室主任、中国矿业大学(北京)恢复生态学研究所所长;教育部本科教学水平评估专家,国家基金委、教育部国家理科基地评估专家,《Journal of Forestry Research》(SCI)、《生态学报》及《应用生态学报》编委。科技部资源与环境领域评审专家;环保部环评中心专家;教育部首批本科教学水平评估专家;国家自然科学基金委生命学部、地学部和管理学部评审专家;中国科学院海岸带环境过程重点实验室学术委员会委员;中国环境保护产业协会循环经济专业委员会专家;山东省黄河三角洲可持续发展研究院特聘专家;黑龙江省大兴安岭行署科技顾问。长期从事恢复生态、环境管理、生态风险与安全评价及可持续发展的教学和研究工作。近年来承担省部级以上科研项目20余项,其中主持“十一五”国家科技支撑项目课题1项和“十二五”国家科技支撑项目专题1项,主持国家自然科学基金面上项目4项;已培养博士、硕士研究生90多名;获省部级以上科研奖励3项,出版著作8部,国内外发表论文200多篇,其中SCIEI收录100多篇,获得国家发明专利6项。


  • 主持的科研项目

1. 国家“十一五”科技支撑计划项目课题:黄河三角洲生态系统综合整治技术与模式(2006.10-2010.12/2006BAC01A13, 510万元

2. 国家“十二五”科技支撑计划项目专题:黄河三角洲湿地生态系统恢复与重建关键技术研究与示范(2011.01-2015.12/2010BAC68B01, 100万元

3. 国家“十三五”重点研发计划项目专题:河口湿地生态护岸修复材料与装备(2017.10-2020.12/2017YFC0505904, 50万元

4. 国家“十一五”科技支撑计划项目子课题:重要海湾海岸带典型受损生境修复关键技术研究与示范(2010.01-2013.12/2010BAC68B01, 50万元

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:典型资源型城市生态承载力评价与生态调控策略-以唐山为例(2013.01-2016.12/71273260, 54万元

6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:黄河三角洲湿地生态安全评价研究(2008.01-2010.12/30770412, 26万元

7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:我国煤矿区生态系统退化机理及生态安全对策研究(2004.01-2006.12/30370281, 18万元

8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:典型露天煤矿生态风险评价与管理的实证研究(2003.01-2005.12/70273050, 17万元

9. 教育部博士点基金项目:外来种紫茎泽兰种群爆发机制研究(2006.01-2008.12/20050290003, 6万元

10. 山东省科技发展计划项目:黄河三角洲海岸带湿地保护与修复技术示范(2008.01-2011.12/2008GG3NS07005, 30万元

11. 山东省科技攻关计划项目:黄河三角洲盐碱地生态恢复技术与生态产业化建设试验示范研究(2008.01-2010.12/2005GG4206003, 15万元

12. 山东省科技发展计划项目:黄河三角洲湿地退化机制、退化湿地恢复关键技术与示范研究(2005.01-2007.12/2008GG10006024, 15万元


  • 部分英文论文

1. FeiFei Tan, Zhaohua Lu. 2017. Regional sustainability system as ecosystem: case study of China`s two leading economic circles from a keystone perspective.Environment Development and Sustainability (SCI)

2. FeiFei Tan, Xiangjun Jiang, Zhaohua Lu. 2017. Some Enlightenment on Stakeholder Engagement: An Inquiry into Sustainable Development Disparity and Its Drivers in CHINA'S Two Leading Economic Zones: Sustainable Development Disparity and its Drivers.Sustainable Development, 25(1): 671685 (SCI)

3. Meng Zhang, Xianwei Liu, Zhaohua Lu. 2016. Ecological landscape regulation approaches in Xilingol League: An urban ecosystem services perspective. int j sust dev world, 24(5):1-7(SCI)

4. Wenjun Xie, Y Zhang ,R Li ,H Yang ,T Wu,  Zhaohua Lu. 2017.The responses of two native plant species to soil petroleum contamination in the Yellow River Delta,China.Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24(31):24438-24446 (SCI)

5. Feifei Tan, Zhaohua Lu.2016. Assessing regional sustainable development through an integration ofnonlinear principal component analysis and Gram Schmidt orthogonalization. Ecological Indicators, 63 :71-81 (SCI)

6. Zhu JF, Liu JT, Zhaohua Lu, Xia JB, Sun JK & Zhao YY .2016.Soil-water interacting use patterns driven by Ziziphus jujube on the Chenier Island in the Yellow River Delta, China. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 6211);1614-1624(SCI)

7. Zhang M, Zhaohua Lu, Yu L, Zhang H, Liu X, Qin X, Song M, Zhao Y. 2016.Ecological urban planning for typical resource-based city in China: Tangshan as a case study. International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, 9(3): 1182~1186.

8. Zhang M, Chen K, Yu L, Zhang H, Deng X, Zhaohua Lu. 2016. Sustainable resource-based city planning using urban ecosystem services. Revista de la Facultad de Ingenieria, 31(3): 219~229. (EI)

9. Zhang M, Zhaohua Lu, He X, Zhang X, Zhang H, Gu G, Wu J. Assessing ecological sustainability of Chinas three major economic rims by ecological footprint. International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, 2015, 8(6): 2817~2822. (EI)

10. Feifei Tan, Zhaohua Lu.2015.Current status and future choices of regional sectors-energy-related CO2emissions: The third economic growth pole of China. Applied Energy 159 :237251(SCI)

11. Feifei Tan, Zhaohua Lu.2015.Interaction characteristics and development pattern of sustainability system in BHR (Bohai Rim) and YRD (Yangtze River) regions, China. Ecological Informatics 30 :2939(SCI)

12. Qiangqiang Rong, Jingtao Liu,Yanpeng Cai, Zhaohua Lu, Zhenzhen Zhao,Wencong Yue,Jiangbao Xia.2015. Leaf carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry of Tamarix chinensis Lour. in the Laizhou Bay coastal wetland, China. Ecological Engineering,76:5765(SCI)

13. Feifei Tan, Zhaohua Lu.2015.Study on the interaction and relation of society, economy and environment based on PCAVAR model: As a case study of the Bohai Rim region, China. Ecological Indicators, 48 ,3140(SCI)

14. Yanyun ZHAO,Xiangming HU, Jingtao LIU, Zhaohua Lu,Jiangbao XIA, Jiayi TIAN,Junsheng MA.2015.Vegetation Pattern in Shell Ridge Island in Chinas Yellow River Delta. Frontiers of Earth Science,9(3)567-577(SCI)

15. YanYu,Yu xiu Zhang,Qian Zhang,Xiaojun Meng, Zhaohua Lu.2015.S105 Improvement of Heavy Metal Resistant Bacteria on Phytoremediation of Reclaimed Land using Coal Gangue. Journal of Residuals Science and Technology,12:s105-s113(SCI)

16. Y.Y. ZHAO, X.M. HU and Zhaohua Lu.2014.Soil C, N and P Stoichiometry of Shrub Communities in Chenier Wetlands in Yellow River Delta, China. Asian Journal of Chemistry,26 (17):5457-5460(SCI)

17. Meng Zhang, Feifei Tan and Zhaohua Lu .2014.Resource-based cities (RBC): a road to sustainability. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 21(5): 465-470 (SCI)

18. Feifei Tan, Zhaohua Lu, Meng Zhang and Yue Jin.2014.ANALYSIS OF REGIONAL SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT BASED ON EMERGY ENERGY FOOTPRINT: A CASE STUDY OF THE BOHAI RIM, CHINA. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 23 ( 9A):2294-2303(SCI)

19. Yanyun Zhao, Zhaohua Lu,Lei He.2014.Effects of Saline-Alkaline Stress on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 173(7):16801691(SCI)

20. Di Cao,Fuchen Shi ,Takayoshi Koike, Zhaohua Lu,Jingkuan Sun.2014.Halophyte Plant Communities Affecting Enzyme Activity and Microbes in Saline Soils of the Yellow River Delta in China. Clean  Soil, Air, Water, 42 (10):14331440(SCI)

21. ZHANG  Meng, Zhaohua Lu.2014.Urban planning in resource-based cities on ecological footprint and ecological carrying capacity:a case study in Tangshan city, International Journal of Earth Science and Engineering ,ISSN:0974-5904(EI)

22. Meng, Zhang, Zhaohua Lu.2014.Regional sustainability assessment:a case study in Chinese three main economic rims. Appl.Mech.Mater . ISSN:1662-7482(EI)

23. Feifei Tan, Z Zhaohua Lu.2014.Evaluation of Sustainable Development Based on Emergy Energy Footprint: a Case Study of the Jing-Jin-Ji Region, China 3rd/2013,International Conference on Energy, Environment and Sustainable DevelopmenT2014,864-867:1097-1100(EI)

24. Yang, HJ; Xie, WJ; Liu, Q; Liu, JT; Yu, HW; Zhaohua Lu. 2013.Distribution of phthalate esters in topsoil: a case study in the Yellow River Delta, China. Environmental Monitoring Assessment, 185 (10):8489-8500SCI

25. XIA Meng-Jing, LIU Zhi-Mei, Zhaohua Lu.2012.Soil remediation of degraded coastal saline wetlands by irrigation with paper mill effluent and plowing. Journal of forestry research, 232):267-274(SCI)

26. Wenjun Xie , Aiping Chen , Jianyong Li , Qing Liu, Zhaohua Lu.2012. County-scale distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in topsoil of the Yellow River Delta Region. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part 47( 10):14191427(SCI)

27. Wenjun Xie, Aiping Chen, Jianyong Li, Qing Liu, Zhaohua Lu.2012.Topsoil dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and polychlorinated biphenyl concentrations and sources along an urban-rural gradient in the Yellow River Delta. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 24(9) 16551661SCI

28. Guan, Bo; Yu, Junbao; Wang, Xuehong; Fu, Yuqin; Kan, Xingyan; Lin, Qianxin; Han, Guangxuan; Zhaohua Lu.2011.Physiological Responses of Halophyte Suaeda salsa to Water Table and Salt Stresses in Coastal Wetland of Yellow River Delta,CLEAN-SOIL AIR WATER, 39(12):10291035SCIE

29. Mengjing Xia, Wendong Tao, Walid Shayyac, Zhaohua Lu. 2012.Passive Solid-Liquid Separation of Anaerobically Digested Dairy Manure Using Two-Stage Filtration. Biosystems Engineering, 111(4):392-397.(SCI)

30. JK SunT LiJB XiaJY TianZhaohua Lu.2011. Influence of salt stress on ecophysiological parameters of Periploca sepium Bunge. PLANT SOIL ENVIRON., 57 (4): 139144(SCI)

31. Mengjing Xia, Wendong Tao, Ziyuan Wang, Yuansheng Pei, Zhaohua Lu. 2012.Treatment of Anaerobically Digested Dairy Manure in a Two-Stage Biofiltration System. Water Science and Technology.,65(11):1975(SCI)

32. Xia J.B., Xie W.J., Liu Q., Sun J.K., Zhaohua Lu.2011. Effects of irrigation with paper-making wastewater on soil improvement of reed wetland in Yellow River Delta Area. Progress in Environment Science and Technology(SCIE)

33. Bo Guan,Junbao Yu, Zhaohua Lu.2010.Salt tolerance in two Suaeda Species: seed germination and physiology response. Asian Journal of Plant Sciences, 9(4):194-199 (SCIE) 

34. Xie, Wenjun, Zhou, Jianmin, Zhaohua Lu.2009.Short-term effects of copper, cadmium and cypermethrin on dehydrogenase activity and microbial functional diversity in soils after long-term mineral or organic fertilization. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 129(4):450-456 (SCIE).

35. Xin Ma, Zhaohua Lu.2008.Population growth, urban sprawl and landscape integrity of Beijing cityInternational Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 15(4):326-330 (SCI)

36. X.J. Ma, Zhaohua Lu.2008.Ecological risk assessment of open coal mine area. Environmental Monitoring Assessment, 147(1-3):471481(SCI)

37. Sang W, Wang Y, Su H, Zhaohua Lu. 2007. Response of tree-ring width to rainfall gradient along the Tianshan Mountains of northwestern China. Chinese Science Bulletin 52(21), 2954-2962 (SCIE)

38. WANG,Y.X., Zhaohua Lu. 2007.The Response Analysis on Tree-ring Widths and Climatic Factors in Different regions of Tianshan Mountains of Northwestern China.Journal of China ,Uni.Mining and Technology(EI)

39. Zhang,Z.B., Zhaohua Lu,et al.2007.On evolution and perspectives of bio-watersaving.Biointerfaces,55(1):1-9(SCI)

40. Shi QingZhaohua Lu.2007.The evaluation model of the grey fuzzy on eco- environment vulnerability, Journal of Forestry Research,18(3):187-192 (SCI)

41. Zhaohua Lu, Ma, Min,Sun, Yajie.2007.Urbanisation,urban sprawl landscape pattern. 1st Xiamen International Forum on Urban Environment, pp 326-330(ISTP)

42. Cao Hong-xing, Shao,Hong-bo, Zhaohua Lu.2007.Mutual Physiological Genetic Mechanism of Plant High Water Use Efficiency and Nutrition. Colloids and SurfacesB:Biointerfaces 57(1):17 (SCIE)

43. Zhaohua Lu,MA X.2006.Ecological benefit assessment of South-North Water Transfer Projectan eastern route.The International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 13(3): 221227(SCIE)

44. SUN Xiao-yu, Zhaohua Lu.2006.Ecological adaptation of Eupatorium adenophorum populations to light intensity. Journal of Forestry Research,17(2): 116120(SCI)

45. SUN Xiao-yu, Zhaohua Lu.2005.Spatial Distribution Pattern of Eupatorium adenophorum Population in PanZhihua, Sichuan province in China .Journal of Forestry Research, 16(1):55-57(SCI)

46. Cheng Jianlong, Zhaohua Lu.2005.Natural vegetation recovery on waste dump in opencast coalmine. Journal of Forestry research, 16(1): 55-57(SCI)

47. SUN Xiao-yu, Zhaohua Lu, SANG Wei-guo. 2004. Review on studies of Eupatorium adenophorum--an important invasive species in China. Journal of Forestry Research, 15(4): 319-322 (SCI)

48. Chang Zhihua, Zhaohua Lu. 2003. Water holding effect of subalpine dark coniferous forest soil in Gongga Mountain, China. Journal of forestry research. 14 (3) 205-209(SCIE)

49. Zhaohua Lu. 2001. Species importance and keystone species concepts in ecology. Journal of Forestry Research12(4):250-252(SCIE)


  • 部分中文论文

1. 张霄, 张红玉, 陆兆华,. 高寒地区路堑边坡植被恢复效果[J]. 生态学报, 2017, 37(5):1450-1457.

2. 王睿彤, 孙景宽, 陆兆华. 土壤改良剂对黄河三角洲滨海盐碱土生化特性的影响[J]. 生态学报, 2017, 37(2):425-431.

3. 赵艳云, 陆兆华, 夏江宝,. 黄河三角洲贝壳堤岛3种优势灌木的根系构型[J]. 生态学报, 2015, 35(6):1688-1695.

4. 金悦, 陆兆华, 檀菲菲,. 典型资源型城市生态承载力评价——以唐山市为例[J]. 生态学报, 2015, 35(14):4852-4859.

5. 朱金方, 刘京涛, 陆兆华,. 盐胁迫对中国柽柳幼苗生理特性的影响[J]. 生态学报, 2015, 35(15):5140-5146.

6. 高雅, 陆兆华, 魏振宽,. 露天煤矿区生态风险受体分析——以内蒙古平庄西露天煤矿为例[J]. 生态学报, 2014, 34(11):2844-2854.

7. 刘庆, 夏江宝, 陆兆华. 黄河三角洲不同土地利用土壤有效态微量元素提取与丰缺评价[J]. 水土保持学报, 2012, 26(1):124-127.

8. 夏江宝, 孔雪华, 陆兆华,. 滨海湿地不同密度柽柳林土壤调蓄水功能[J]. 水科学进展, 2012, 23(5):628-634.

9. 王睿彤, 陆兆华, 孙景宽,. 土壤改良剂对黄河三角洲滨海盐碱土的改良效应[J]. 水土保持学报, 2012, 26(4):239-244.

10. 夏孟婧, 苗颖, 陆兆华,. 造纸废水灌溉对滨海退化盐碱湿地土壤酶活性的响应[J]. 生态学报, 2012, 32(21):6599-6608.

11. 夏江宝, 谢文军, 陆兆华,. 再生水浇灌方式对芦苇地土壤水文生态特性的影响[J]. 生态学报, 2010, 30(15):4137-4143.

12. 董丽洁, 陆兆华, 贾琼,. 造纸废水灌溉对黄河三角洲盐碱地土壤酶活性的影响[J]. 生态学报, 2010, 30(24):6821-6827.

13. 夏江宝, 许景伟, 陆兆华,. 黄河三角洲滩地不同植被类型改良土壤效应研究[J]. 水土保持学报, 2009, 23(2):148-152.

14. 陆兆华. 对矿区生态系统健康评价理论与方法的大胆探索——《矿区生态系统健康评价理论及其实证研究》书评[J]. 生态学报, 2006, 26(11):394-394.

15. 孙晓玉, 陆兆华, 于兴军,. 紫茎泽兰种群年龄结构动态及对控制的指示意义[J]. 植物生态学报, 2005, 29(3):373-379.

16. 孙亚杰, 王清旭, 陆兆华. 城市化对北京市景观格局的影响[J]. 应用生态学报, 2005, 16(7):1366-1369.

17. 程建龙, 陆兆华, 范英宏. 露天煤矿区生态风险评价方法[J]. 生态学报, 2004, 24(12):2945-2950.

18. 范英宏, 陆兆华, 程建龙,. 中国煤矿区主要生态环境问题及生态重建技术[J]. 生态学报, 2003, 23(10):2144-2152.


  • 著作

1. 陆兆华 等著,2013. 黄河三角洲退化湿地生态恢复——理论、方法与实践.科学出版社

2. 田家怡,李甲亮,孙景宽,谢文军,陆兆华 著. 2010. 黄河三角洲造纸废水灌溉修复湿地技术.化学工业出版社

3. 田家怡,吕学军,闫永利,陆兆华,孙景宽 著. 2008. 黄河三角洲生态环境灾害与减灾对策.化学工业出版社

4. 陆兆华 著.2000.落叶阔叶林物种重要性研究.黑龙江科学技术出版社


  • 专利

1. 陆兆华,谢文军,于妍等.授权日:2012.7.25,利用造纸废弃物改良滨海盐碱湿地的方法,专利号ZL201010211705.X

2. 陆兆华,孙景宽,夏孟婧等.授权日:2012.8.22,促进滨海盐碱化湿地复壮的方法,专利号ZL201010211702.6

3. 于妍,陆兆华,边文等. 公开日:2013.8.28,盐碱化湿地改良剂,专利号ZL201110235222.8

4. 于妍,陆兆华,边文等. 公开日:2014.4.2,改良退化滨海盐碱湿地的方法,专利号ZL201110235225.1

5. 于妍,何绪文,陆兆华等.授权日:2012.5.30,动态膜生物反应器,专利号:ZL201120367320.2

6. 于妍,何绪文,陆兆华等.授权日:2012.5.30,用于自生式动态膜生物反应器的平板膜组件,专利号ZL201120367326.X
